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Do you know what you would do if you were hacked today?
An incident is any event or unauthorized activity that compromises the security of your computer systems, networks, data—or any digital asset that you own.
You see it in news articles every day—a hospital attacked by ransomware, your private data leaked on the dark web due to a data breach at a store you frequent, or a municipality's service being inaccessible to the community due to digital extortion.
Incident response is like fighting fires in the digital world. When it happens, responders work to identify and contain it, followed by collecting and analyzing digital evidence on the network and systems, remediating identified vulnerabilities and attack vectors, and lastly, continuous monitoring.
The goal is to minimize an incident's impact on your operations, protect sensitive systems and data, and maintain business continuity and operations. Headquartered in Great Falls, MT, Big Sky Cybersecurity is dedicated to helping Montana organizations secure their digital assets and ensuring operations are resilient if an incident occurs.
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We work with your team to identify the credibility of the threat and any information initially gathered on the breach for stakeholders to make informed decisions.
Our team will provide regular updates and avoid industry jargon, so your organization’s stakeholders are in the loop and fully understand the impact
and position of the organization.
We believe you can easily miss key details if you rely solely on the output of a forensic software/platform. Our approach focuses on the latest forensic techniques regardless of specific tools or forensic platforms.
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Final Report
This will cover a postmortem and evidence collected of the incident with
recommendations on security improvements to strengthen the organization’s overall security posture.
We work with your stakeholders to identify vulnerable systems or digital assets and draft tailored IR plans and technology playbooks to common incidents.
This gives your team a plan to follow in case of an incident and gives your organization the best chance to bounce back from an incident.
Fully recovering from an incident includes monitoring systems for reinfections and putting defenses in place to protect against future threats.
Our proactive monitoring includes regular assessments, training, and system updates to ensure your security.
If you're experiencing an incident or want advice on how to protect your organization from a breach call us at 406-924-3731 today.